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a immunity boost

Mariana Perdigão


My name is Mariana Perdigão. I have 3 years Classic Massage experience. I studied in the Netherlands, at Holos Academy, on a 14 months Course.

I am originally Portuguese, I lived in the Netherlands for 15 years, and I have been living in Switzerland for the last 4 years.


Relaxation Massage Concept

Relaxation Massage uses light pressure, with the goal of inducing relaxation. Relaxation Massage uses smooth, long strokes through the muscles.  Its purpose is to gently release the muscles, calm the nervous system, relieve stress and promote feelings of overall well-being. 

In Relaxation Massage, your therapist won’t work to the limit of depth in your tissues, and there is less emphasis on working out serious tension.  Instead, the focus is on light touch to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of our nervous system that promotes feelings of relaxation and calm.  The engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system stimulates the body to lower Cortisol (stress hormone) levels and increase Serotonin (happiness and well-being hormones) levels.

The Benefits of Relaxation Massage

Relaxation Massage promotes circulation in the body, improving lymphatic drainage by gently stimulating the skin and superficial tissues. Circulation can bring better blood flow and oxygen supply to all tissues of the body and carry away waste products that are produced in the body as by-products of chemical reactions in the cells.  In all of these ways, Relaxation Massage can help ease insomnia and promote tissue healing, mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall health.

As you relieve stress and tension through Relaxation Massage, you may find yourself breathing easier and deeper.  This is a secondary benefit of Relaxation Massage.  Deep diaphragmatic breathing promotes a further reduction in Cortisol levels and an increase in Serotonin levels, resulting in an even deeper relaxation.

In this busy, hectic life full of challenges on our posture and our stress levels, taking time for self-care and relaxation is important.  Relaxation Massage is a great way to do this.

How to prepare for your Massage

• Try to have an empty stomach; eat an hour or more before your massage

• Plan to arrive a few minutes early so that you aren’t rushed. If possible, don’t schedule anything for the time after your massage

• Continuing to relax or even having a nap will only extend the benefits of your treatment

• Drink plenty of water following your treatment

About: Welcome

Make Zensations your very own haven of relaxation with a great massage treatment that is good to your body and mind. Founded by Mariana Perdigão, a qualified Masseuse from Holos Academy Utrecht, the Netherlands

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